Yeshivat Mir Simchas Beis Hashoeva Jerusalem Succot 5777
About Rabbi Mitterhoff
Orthodox Rabbi, Torah Educator & Podcaster. Get Inspiration for Personal Growth - Lessons from Authentic Judaism -The Ultimate Source for Spiritual Development
More Enthusiasm for Your Judaism
Orthodox Rabbi, Torah Educator & Podcaster. Get Inspiration for Personal Growth - Lessons from Authentic Judaism -The Ultimate Source for Spiritual Development
Dear mister Mitterhoff,
I have been listening to your podcast for some time now, what a blessing you are. Your podcasts make me feel like im breathing in clean air or drinking clean water metaphorically, truly Abba’s Word comes alive in your podcasts! So I just want to extend thanks and that I pray for your blessing and reward because your investing in people like this is very, how do I say this, it is so kindhearted. I am a Bible believing christian. Ever since I was small I wanted to understand the why behind everything. When I was 25 and depressed among other things, I picked up The Holy Bible. I started to cry when I read the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. I thought well this is why my life is such a mess. So I started to study The Bible more and more search for a church where people believe in Abba’s Word wholeheartedly. I came across this term ”messianics” and another ”messianic judaism”. This is where you and I differ I guess because I believe that Yeshua is The Maschiach. But my point is,
when I listen to church sermons it felt like I was needing something more especially when it comes to The Tanakh. So I started listening to motivational podcasts to be get out of my funk. Then I just gave it a shot and typed in Torah podcast and voila, there was your podcast. I understand why Abba loves Isra’el and Y’hudah so much is what I said when I for the first time heard you speak with such enthusiasm and love for and about The Torah. I get great inspiration and energy from it. I imagine that this is what Abba wants me to be like. It is quite hard to be a Bible believing christian, people ask me if I have identity issues and want to be Jewish because I keep Shabbat and The Holy Days like it’s something bad. I am quite isolated. Even in my church my eagerness to make sure we are in concordance with Abba’s Will is not met with alot of enthusiasm most of the time. I can come across strong is what I heard but I can’t help it. I am a 31 year old African woman and people think like ”what could she know”, well isn’t it Abba Who chooses who He uses? I hope by listening to you that I can communicate more effectively. I wish you blessings and protection and Yeshua says we should respect the branch since christians are grafted into the vine. You are so lucky to serve our Lord on Tzyion one day, I want to be there so bad. I really love our Father, He is so good. There is no God except for The God of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’akov. I have seen no one like Him. And you are a fruit of His hands. To think that the whole world will be filled with His knowledge brings me to tears because I just really want to be there, I can’t imagine any greater happiness. And your podcast helps me through these evil days as in the daus of Noach. It is such a dark time. So just thank you and blessings to you. Kind regards and peace be upon you.
Helen Muszynska