106 – Ethics of the Fathers – Perkei Avos 1:7 – Brainwashed by Your Neighbors – Society and Behavior – A Powerful Parable about the Poor Princess – A Great Story about the Noda Bi Yehuda – Peace in Your Home – Don’t Upset Your Wife
1:7 Nitai the Arbelite would say: Distance yourself from a bad neighbor, do not cleave to a wicked person, and do not abandon belief in retribution.
1:7 Nitai the Arbelite would say: Distance yourself from a bad neighbor, do not cleave to a wicked person, and do not abandon belief in retribution.
הרחק משכן רע, ואל תתחבר לרשע, ואל תתיאש מן הפרע נתאי הארבלי אומר
It is very true that if you associate with non-believers and evil people, you get contaminated by their evil. It is like plunging down in a pit with polluted water, you will get wet and dirty. Sin is like a disease. One must keep onself spiritually clean. A person with ulcerous wounds (that is what sins will do to you) atracts flies, maggots and other scavangers. Therefore we must repent and turn away from everything that wants to come between us and G-d.
But Hashem is our Healer, blessed be He. By turning to Him, we will be healed.
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