Torah Portion of the Week – Toldos – Walking Life’s Tightrope – Physical and Spiritual Balance – A Powerful Parable about not Being Hungry – A Great Story about Rav Shach and Peace in Your Home – Having a Good Eye
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Orthodox Rabbi, Torah Educator & Podcaster. Get Inspiration for Personal Growth - Lessons from Authentic Judaism -The Ultimate Source for Spiritual Development
According to parashat bo i found out that HAKADOSH BARUCK HU said we should roast the young goat but in this present time we only present the shank bone not the rosted meat itself why?
Since we no longer have the Beis Hamigdash (the Temple) we no longer have sacrifices and therefore we do not want anything at the seder table that appears to be a sacrifice. Because of this we also do not eat roasted meat as the main course.