035 – Torah Portion of the Week – Vayeitzei – How to Remove Your Dark Side – Man’s Mixture of Darkness and Light – A Powerful Parable about the Kings Palace – A Great Story about the Rav Shach and Peace in Your Home – Tips for Anger Control
You are here: Home / Podcast Episodes / 035 How to Remove Your Dark Side – Man’s Mixture of Darkness & LightRabbi Mitterhoff
About Rabbi Mitterhoff
Orthodox Rabbi, Torah Educator & Podcaster. Get Inspiration for Personal Growth - Lessons from Authentic Judaism -The Ultimate Source for Spiritual Development
A friend sent me this shiur, and I enjoyed it. I liked the point Rabbi Metterhoff made about the ridiculousness of Eliphaz’s dilemma. In trying to be so “frum” he was missing the clear priority of the Torah’s value of life! The fact that Amalek was his descendant makes so much more sense now. I’ve heard that the gmatria of Amalek is “safek,” doubt, and this is so perfect with his essence, which the rabbi pointed out, is from the confusion created by the darkness he failed to work against. Thank you for an interesting dvar Torah.
PS-If I may suggest a small correction–it’s Beis HaMiKdash (not HaMiGdash-even though it sounds like that), from the root KD”SH (holiness). Also the word is “l’ma’aseh” “as it’s done” from “o-seh” (do), not “Le’maaser” as was written. I hope the Rabbi will forgive me for pointing these out. I’m a long time BT myself and used to make mistakes like this (and sometimes still do) and I’m always grateful for corrections. I’m also a writer/editor and that’s why I’m so m’dak’dayk with these things.
Hatzlacha and all best wishes in helping spread our holy Torah!
Thanks for the corrections. I tend to be anti-semantic 🙂