107 – Ethics of the Fathers – Perkei Avos 1:8 and 9 – Being Honest With Yourself – Don’t Take the Bribe – A Powerful Parable about the Poor Man and the Joker- A Great Story about Rav Avraham Tzvi Barber – Peace in Your Home – Giving and Receiving Rebuke
1:8.Judah the son of Tabbai and Shimon the son of Shotach received from them. Judah the son of Tabbai would say: When sitting in judgement, do not act as a counselor-at-law. When the litigants stand before you, consider them both guilty; and when they leave your courtroom, having accepted the judgement, regard them as equally righteous.
1:9.Shimon the son of Shotach would say: Increasingly cross-examine the witnesses. Be careful with your words, lest they learn from them how to lie.
1:8.Judah the son of Tabbai and Shimon the son of Shotach received from them. Judah the son of Tabbai would say: When sitting in judgement, do not act as a counselor-at-law. When the litigants stand before you, consider them both guilty; and when they leave your courtroom, having accepted the judgement, regard them as equally righteous.
1:9.Shimon the son of Shotach would say: Increasingly cross-examine the witnesses. Be careful with your words, lest they learn from them how to lie.
It is very important not to get oneself in a corrupted situation by making wrong judgment , as our evil inclination sometimes wants us to mix up in legal or spiritual procedures, based on our own judgment.
We should never attempt to bribe anyone to take our part, or in favor of someone that we find in our interest.
One, and only one is the Judge, Hashem/Elohim, Blessed be He.
Gen 18:25 That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
Let us therefore pray with fervour, as it is written in the Siddur:
“Restore our judges as in earlier time and counselors like in the beginning… Blessed be Your Name, King, who loves righteousness and justice.”