036 Torah Portion of the Week – Vayishlach – How Your Stop Ignoring What’s Important – The Evil of Indifference – A Powerful Parable about the Being Number One – A Great Story about the Rav Shach and Peace in Your Home – Peace and Education – The Ultimate Torah Podcast
You are here: Home / Podcast Episodes / 036 How to Stop Ignoring What’s Important – The Evil of Indifference
About Rabbi Mitterhoff
Orthodox Rabbi, Torah Educator & Podcaster. Get Inspiration for Personal Growth - Lessons from Authentic Judaism -The Ultimate Source for Spiritual Development
A good message !
Happy you enjoyed it!
Hello Rabbi –
I just wanted to say thank you for all of your wonderful podcasts. I am a designer in Indianapolis and I listen to your messages while I am working. It’s really a wonderful way to keep my mind focused and help me learn even while I am at my job. Thank you for keeping everything relatable and “down to earth”. Also, thank you for your messages about how to keep peace at home.
Please, keep the podcasts coming!
Shabbat Shalom!
Thank you. It means a lot to me to receive comments. It gives me the encouragement I need to “keep the podcasts coming!”