104 – Ethics of the Fathers – Perkei Avos 1:5 – How to Find Meaning – Running from Emptiness – A Powerful Parable about the Milk and the Gold – A Great Story about the Chafez Chiam – Peace in Your Home – Admitting One’s Faults
Perkei Avos 1:5 – Yossei the son of Yochanan of Jerusalem would say: Let your home be wide open, and let the poor be members of your household. And do not engage in excessive conversation with a woman. This is said even regarding one’s own wife–how much more so regarding the wife of another. Hence, the sages said: One who excessively converses with a woman causes evil to himself, neglects the study of Torah, and, in the end, inherits purgatory.
Perkei Avos 1:5 – Yossei the son of Yochanan of Jerusalem would say: Let your home be wide open, and let the poor be members of your household. And do not engage in excessive conversation with a woman. This is said even regarding one’s own wife–how much more so regarding the wife of another. Hence, the sages said: One who excessively converses with a woman causes evil to himself, neglects the study of Torah, and, in the end, inherits purgatory.
Very important lesson. We must learn to focus on the important things, i.e. to learn and to understand the Torah and the Mitzvos that leads us in the right directions. It is very easy to get distracted and focus on things (materialism and vanity). This is to give in to our evil inclination, a way that leads to emptiness of body and soul.
So, let us never lose focus on the teachings from the Torah and the sages, and cling to Hashem, as He is our only hope and benefactor. Worldly success will fade away, but the obedience to the laws given by G-d, will take us to the World to Come.